How To Make A DIY Stationary Bike Stand

athlete riding a bike

Image Source: Pexels

The number one question we get asked when winter season rolls around or when your only available cycling time is before the sun comes up, is “how do I keep from missing a workout?” Well, that’s what this article is all about and we’re going to share an essential skill that will solve your problems and keep you on task when it comes to taking up a new bike riding program or staying on point with the one you’ve already started.

Whether you’re training for a triathlon or simply taking on cycling as a hobby, this article is for you. So, if you have the time and a desire to save money, we can teach you how to make a DIY stationary bike stand that will keep you consistent and won’t break the bank.

5 Benefits Of Bike Riding

cyclist biking on the road

Image Source: Pixabay

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of teaching you how to make a DIY stationary bike stand, we’re going to share a bit of background on a few incredible health benefits of cycling. So, let’s jump right into 5 key benefits of cycling, listed in no particular order:

  • 1Cycling provides a quick way to burn up to 19 calories per minute and shed some extra pounds.
  • 2It feeds your need for competition – just because we get older doesn’t mean we don’t still have a mental or psychological desire to win or at least compete.
  • 3It’s less stressful on your joints because it is essentially a non-weight-bearing activity.
  • 4Bike riding is a heart-healthy activity – regular cardio exercise positively impacts your blood pressure and regulates blood sugar.
  • 5Toned legs and improved overall muscle strength will not only look great but leave your body stronger and more resilient to injury.

What Is A Stationary Bike Stand?

bike parked infront of yellow background

Image Source: Pixabay

Now that your love for bike riding is growing and you see the importance of maintaining a regular workout schedule, it is time to introduce you to the stationary bike stand. Also known as a trainer – and not to be confused with a kickstand – the stationary bike stand allows you to set up your bike in a manner so you can ride with high intensity, but your bike does not move.

With a stationary bike stand, you do the work. Your front wheel is stationary while your back wheel is in motion. You are supported on the stand by skewers that still allow the back wheel to spin freely. While there are many types of stationary bike stands available for purchase, ranging from $80-$300, as a newbie, your DIY stationary bike stand will be a great starting point for only a few bucks and some wooden 4x4s.

Why Do You Need A Stationary Bike?

woman standing beside her pink bike

Image Source: Pixabay

You don’t have to be a triathlete or professional cyclist to see a need for an indoor bike setup. Rainy days, dark mornings and bumper to bumper traffic on your nearby roads should be reason enough to know your community ride may not always be the most conducive to great exercise or riding safety. Even if none of that exists, sometimes, it just works to train indoors, specifically inside your home or garage. So knowing how to make a DIY stationary bike can come in handy for any bike riding enthusiast. This device allows a quick and easy solution for the budget-conscious.

What Are The Benefits Of Building Your Own DIY Stationary Bike Stand?

cyclist standing on the bike stand

Image Source: Pixabay

Yes, you can buy a stationary bike stand online or from your local bike or sporting goods store. However, we’d like to point out a few key benefits to taking on this project versus just spending the cash on a store-bought stand.


Save Money

Trainers are expensive, and with heavy use and the wear and tear during the fall and winter months, you may find yourself purchasing more than one before season’s end. Having the skill to build your own stationary bike stand can keep money in your pocket while allowing you to continue enjoying an activity you love.


You’re A Newbie

If you’re new to the world of cycling, the bike alone can be an expensive purchase. Plus, with the host of gadgets and gear available to accessorize your riding experience, you may be tapped out on your bike riding budget. If that’s the case, no worries. You don’t have to make a huge investment today, because your needs are simple and can easily be accommodated with a DIY stationary bike stand.


Express Your Creativity

Not only do you love riding your bike as a hobby, but you’re also quite handy in the tool room. If you enjoy building things and tinkering, this is just another area you can exercise your craft and tooling chops. It’s a simple project, but still demands a certain level of skill. Also, some DIY stationary bike stand crafters have added simple modifications that make this project uniquely their own.


Keeps You Consistent

It’s easy to make excuses not to complete your workout. We’ve said it before, you cannot control the weather and sometimes your work demands do not jive with the sunrise and sunset schedule, so you want to have another option. Having the ability to ride from home not only keeps you consistent but on target towards achieving your cycling goals.

How To Make A DIY Stationary Bike Stand

bikes in an indoor cycling studio

Image Source: Pixabay

Alright, let’s get into it. You want a stand that is durable, safe, stable, suitable for your wheel size, and easy to set up. We’re going to teach you how to build a DIY stationary bike stand in six simple steps. You’ll need the few listed materials and a clean and safe working space.

Materials Needed

Here is a list of items you will need to get started:

  • 2×4 wooden planks (2)
  • Kreg R3 pocket joint tool
  • Electric drill
  • Saw
  • Electric sander
  • Wood glue
  • Bike wheel pegs

Step 1: Cut & Sand Your Wooden Planks Down To Size

You’ll begin by cutting your 2×4 wooden planks into separate pieces. This project will require three 30″ pieces and four 15″ pieces of wood. All will need to have smooth edges, so it is important to sand each wood piece after cutting them.

Step2: Build A 3-Panel Side Support

For this step, you will join your three 30″ 2x4s side by side. You’ll begin by using a Kreg tool setting of 1 1/2″ to create 6-7 holes along the edge of your wood. These holes will allow you to add the screws needed to join the three planks together. Using your wood glue, first, you will glue the planks together before securing them by adding screws where you’ve created holes. Your end result should be 3-paneled side support.

Step 3: Create The Bike Wheel Peg Hole

Now, place your bike wheel peg at the center of the joined side support planks and trace a circle around it. Then, cut a hole around the traced edges. You should be left with a circle in the middle of your 3-panel side support. This hole is designed to fit the wheel peg securely.

Step 4: Separate Side Supports

Next, at the midpoint of the circle on your 3-paneled plank, you will draw a line that extends across the width of all three panels. This line will evenly divide the panels in half. Using your saw, cut across this line, creating two separate pieces of wood. You should have two 3-paneled side supports with a half circle at the top end of each.

Step 5: Build The Base Or Frame

Using the other four pieces of wood (15″ pieces), you will create your base. The base is designed in the shape of a square by simply joining each of the four pieces at the end so that it resembles the shape of a window. These planks will be attached by using your wood glue. A screw can be drilled in to reinforce the strength of the box where the corners meet.

Step 6: Attach The 2-Sided Panels To The Base

The last step is to attach the three pieces together. Using 4″ machine screws and nuts, you’ll securely attach the side pieces to the base, at the same location but on opposite sides. Now you can drop your bike wheel pegs into the cutouts located at the top of the side planks. Add your bike and you’re ready to ride.


fitness girl using stationary bike

Image Source: Freepik

If you’re simply looking for an indoor alternative to outdoor cycling, learning how to make a DIY stationary bike stand can be an easy solution to a common problem: not being consistent with your workouts.

You’ve already taken the first step in taking on the healthy and fun activity of bike riding, and the benefits of regular exercise are clear. From the physical to the mental well-being, there are too many reasons you shouldn’t allow cold or rainy days to throw off your cycling regimen.

Just your love for bike riding should be the jumpstart you need to get to work following the steps on how to make your own DIY stationary bike stand today!

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