Marcy Exercise Bike Reviews

​Are you sick of spending time at the gym waiting for a machine to use? If you’re like me, you often hit the gym after work right at peak hours when everybody else is trying to squeeze their workout in before dinner. It gets so frustrating having to sit and wait for ten or fifteen minutes to be able to use the treadmill, rowing machine or exercise bike. You might want to consider purchasing a stationary bike to use at your own home so that you can work out on your own time and not have to wait for anyone else! The Marcy exercise bike brand is a popular one that is affordable, reliable, and won’t take up a lot of space in your home.

Marcy Foldable Exercise BikeMarcy Exercise Bike Reviews 1

Marcy Exercise Bike Reviews 2

If you live in an apartment or a small home, this bike is a really great option for you as it completely folds up to be stored in a closet or some other tucked away space. Don’t be concerned that this bike won’t give you a good workout. You’ll be able to get just as good of a workout on this bike as any other normal exercise bike that is non-foldable.

The Marcy Foldable Exercise BikeMarcy Exercise Bike Reviews 1 has eight adjustable levels of resistance so that you can design your workout to be as intense as you’d prefer. The bike features a computer screen which displays your speed, distance, calories burned and time spent on the bike. You’ll be able to keep your feet safely locked in with the adjustable foot straps and there’s a padded foam seat to make your experience on the bike as comfortable as possible.

Marcy Recumbent Exercise BikeMarcy Exercise Bike Reviews 4

Marcy Exercise Bike Reviews 5

Recumbent exercise bikes were designed to take the stress off of your lower back and knees. Great news right? Honestly, I love recumbent exercise bikes because I can get such a great workout without the frustration of being bent over like you have to be on a regular exercise bike. My lower back gives me a lot of trouble but I never experience any pain on a recumbent bike.

The Marcy Recumbent Mag CycleMarcy Exercise Bike Reviews 4 is a very well made bike that you’ll be able to use regularly for a long time. Like the foldable model, this bike features eight levels of resistance. They are all pre-programmed and set so you can easily switch resistance with the push of a button. The large digital screen keeps track of your distance, time, calories burned and speed so that you’re always aware of how far you’ve made it through your workout. The padded seat is fully adjustable in order to make sure you can reach the foot pedals, and you’ll enjoy holding on to the handlebars on the side as you pedal.

There’s a small amount of assembly required for this bike, so make sure you are prepared for that. The bike comes with everything you need to assemble it, there’s simply a few parts that need screwed together in order for it to be able to be used.

​Wrap Up

The Marcy exercise bike brand was designed in order to be usable and accessible to everyone. Walter Marcyan, the founder of Marcy, wanted to make sure that everyone was able to exercise if they want to, and weren’t held back by money, ability, convenience or availability. Both of these bikes are designed to make your life easier, healthier, and more complete. They are affordable, easy to use, and can be stored easily in your home. Exercise is an invaluable element to living a healthy life, and riding these bikes will help propel you forward (pun intended!) towards your health and fitness goals.

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