5 Pre-Workout Snack Ideas To Power You Through

Growing up, my Mom always made sure we had a good snack for us to eat when we were done playing in the backyard, or after one of our sporting events. Obviously, it’s important to replenish your body with valuable nutrients and proteins in order to help it recover from a tough work-out. But one thing we tend to ignore is how important your pre-workout snack is. Mentally, we feel like we shouldn’t eat before going to the gym because it might slow us down. But it’s actually quite the opposite! It’s extremely important to fuel your body before working out on your exercise bike so that you have plenty of energy to make it the whole way through. However, you don’t want to just eat anything. You want to make sure you’re eating the correct foods to power your body.


We’ve compiled a list of 5 pre-workout snack ideas that will fuel your body with the right foods, and keep you energized throughout your entire spin or stationary bike workout.

Best Pre-Workout Snack Ideas

Yogurt Parfait

This is really great before a morning work-out. Layer yogurt, granola, and berries or a sliced banana. For added convenience, put it in a plastic disposable cup and grab a plastic spoon so you can eat it on the road.


We’d recommend choosing plain full-fat yogurt to get the best nutrition, without added sugar. If you need a little sweetness, try adding a teaspoon of raw organic honey to satisfy your sweet tooth without the added calories. Be sure to rinse the berries before adding them to your parfait to get rid of any pesticides, and choose your favorite kind of granola!


Smoothies are one of my favorite ways to pack in a ton of fruits and veggies without even realizing it! The best thing about smoothies is you really can play around with whatever you want and you’ve got a good chance of  tasting delicious!


My favorite pre-workout snack smoothie is 1/2 cup of plain yogurt, 1 banana, 1/2 cup blueberries, a splash of almond milk and a handful of ice cubes. Again, go for that full-fat yogurt so you’ll have the energy to crush it on the bike.

Throw everything in a blender and blend until smooth. You can adjust the almond milk until it’s your desired consistency. I like my smoothies pretty thin so I can drink them on the way to the gym, but some like theirs thicker to use a straw.

Apple and Peanut Butter

Honestly guys, I eat this even when I’m not headed to a workout because it’s just so good, simple and cheap! Simply slice up your favorite variety of apple (Gala is my fav!), add a tsp of peanut butter to each slice. If you feel like being fancy, add a few raisins and a sprinkling of poppy seeds for a little crunch. Yum!


Avocado Toast

The internet is obsessed with avocado toast and rightfully so because it’s so gosh dang amazing. You might think of this as a brunch food you pair with a mimosa or two (or three, who are we kidding?). However, this can be a great pre-workout snack! My go-to classic avocado toast is a simple slice of whole wheat toast, 1/2 an avocado, and a hard-boiled or fried egg on top.

avocado toast

It’s packed with healthy fats from the avocado, carbs from the toast, and protein from the egg. You’re ready to crush your workout with this snack in your belly.

Hummus and Veggies

Hummus is one of those classic snack foods that I never tire of. It comes in so many delicious flavors at the store or you can make your own! Slice up a few of your favorite veggies. My go-to’s are carrots, celery and red bell peppers. It’s a bit lighter than some of these other suggestions. Some people don’t like to eat too much before working out. This would be a good idea for you if you just need a little somethin’ to get you through.


Oh man, after giving you guys all these pointers, I’m starving! Thanks for reading, I’m off to the kitchen to scrounge up one of these ideas! YUM!

Image Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


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